Who Attend?

Industry Experts

Where is the industry headed? What is new and what can be expected from the future & what it means for India?

Global Speakers

International trends that are affecting business and policies across the world. Where is the world headed to?

Policy Makers

Top policy makers answer the most asked questions and lay down the Government roadmap for the future.


Shri Jyotiraditya M Scindia


Hon'ble Minister of Communications; and Minister of Development of North Eastern Region

Government Of India

Dr. Pemmasani Chandra Sekhar


Hon'ble Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications and Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural Development

Government Of India

Dr. Neeraj Mittal (IAS)


Chairman DCC & Secretary(T)

DoT, Government of India

Prof. Abhay Karandikar



Department of Science and Technology, Government of India